Tuesday 27 December 2022

Two intense months of my life


Hey there!


It’s my last day in Ankara, I’m glad because I feel that I’m a better person after finishing my project. I enjoyed working in this amazing project, I learned countless things and I made many friends that will always be part of my life. 

I loved working in the kindergarten, kids are wonderful, they make me happy. The food delivery was a huge part of my project since it gave me a chance to help a lot of people, we gave them support in any possible way and that impacted me.

The most important thing for me in this journey are people that I met and were a big part of my experience, they literally made it better, I learned how to more open-minded and more kind-hearted because of them, they made me see things differently.

I had good managers, they supported me and helped me a lot and I will forever be grateful for this opportunity they gave me.

It’s time to get back to Georgia, I will miss Ankara, Turkish people, the project, my roommate and my team mates.

In one word, this experience is UNFOGETTABLE.