ANDER - Ankara Education Volunteers Association is an active Civil Society Organization working on education, youth and lifelong learning. The association carries out activities with the aim of contributing to the development of all individuals, especially young individuals, in social, cultural and educational issues.

ESC Quality Label- Coordinating, Sending, Hosting 2021-1-TR01-ESC50-098997 – Leader Organization

To develop relations with respect and friendship without discrimination on the basis of individual race, language, religion and sex, to provide / promote cultures and intergenerational dialogue, to cooperate with NGO institutions and organizations, to provide social services to solve problems and to create awareness, to support such activities through training, to organize studies that will contribute to the process, to contribute to active participation and harmony of young people, and to strengthen interaction with other cultures and communities in the structure.

We are against all kind of discrimination (gender, race, religion, ethnicity, language) for improving our relations and piece. We have also some kind of activities that youth can learn about their countries culture, history and nature. We are also helping them for social inclusion and personal development by education. We are trying to rise their awareness for future. What we do more is discussing and working on their problems and unemployment by national and international platforms to make it sustainable. One of our aims is giving them a chance to take part in stage and improve their skills.

Ankara Education Volunteers Association has participated in many kind of national and international Erasmus + youth projects. We contributed to many social responsibility projects such as cultural diversity, communication and cooperation between NGOs, volunteering, sport, integration of refugees, healthy living, employment and active participation, environmental issues, integration of disadvantaged youth. In addition, our association is working on the European Solidarity Corps «ESC» program. Our Association, which is accredited as a leader, sender, host and coordinator, ensures the participation of young people in voluntary projects at national and international area.

ANDER ( Ankara Eğitim Gönüllüleri Derneği  - Ankara Education Volunteers Association)