Tuesday 23 May 2023

Experience in Turkey

 Experience in Turkey 

Here we go again after one month! I can’t believe that I’m already writing the second and last blog page. This  was a really full and intense month. The time flies away so fast and I still have to realize well all the things I’m living. So, let’s go deep in this reflection moment.

On May 14, Turkey held its presidential elections. The vote was historic, for several reasons. First, it was the first time that almost all the opposition parties had united against the current president, Erdogan. Second, the president went through to the second round, which was also unprecedented: since 2014, Erdogan has been systematically won with more than 50% of the votes from the first round.Now let`s talk about my feelings during these two months here. I was so nervous before I moved to Ankara. I was afraid of how friendly the environment would be here, whether people would like me, and whether I would be able to get close to them. The reality exceeded my expectations. I remember how pleased I was when I was warmly welcomed into the office on the very first day. 

In my second week of last month, we went on a picnic together. All the volunteers were there. We talked a lot, played, took a lot of photos, and had Turkish breakfast together. The place where we went for the picnic was very beautiful.

You might think that two months is a short time, but I made a lot of memories and met a lot of good people in this short time. Most of them are my teammates with whom I spent the most time during this month. I never imagined that in such a short time, someone would become so special. Our volunteering is ending, we are leaving soon and I'm sad about that. I think I will miss them a lot. We spent a good time together during these two month and we managed to accumulate many memories together. Volunteering is fun and exciting. I'm sure all of us had 5 months of great adventures behind. 

Thank you for everything!