Friday 3 February 2023

Last but not Least

I have come to the end of this adventure. My 2 months are over and I am returning to Azerbaijan. At the end of 1 month, I shared a blog and shared with you about what happened to me in the first month. Now I have come to the end of the second month. The second month seemed to go faster for me because it was a month with more travel and different project.

So I want to start from the beginning. I gave a spoiler in my last blog that we are going to Istanbul
nd Izmir. My second month started with this trip, it was a very tiring but enjoyable trip. I met new places and new people. Although I haven't traveled much, I still think Istanbul is a very fascinating city. The magnificence is truly dazzling. On the first day, we went to Pierre Loti hill in the evening and had the chance to see Istanbul from afar, the lights of Istanbul and the Bosphorus passing through it were simply magnificent. Then we tried to go to all the famous places in Istanbul and we managed to go to most of them. Of course, we knew that we could not visit the whole of Istanbul in 3 days, but at least we managed to go to many places we planned by sticking to the plan. As a recommendation to those who are thinking of going to Istanbul, I would definitely say that you should not neglect to eat fish and bread in Eminönü and go on a Bosphorus tour. Especially the Bosphorus tour, I think joining the tour was one of the best decisions I've made in my life. I saw Istanbul from afar on Pierre Loti hill, I felt like I was looking at Istanbul from inside Istanbul on the Bosphorus tour and it was a very impressive sight.

    Then, after an 8-hour hard bus journey, we arrived in Izmir. Izmir also had its own unique atmosphere. Unfortunately, we could not visit much because the places to visit in Izmir are far from the center. We could only go to Foça and it was very peaceful there. It was one of the most peaceful places I have ever seen. In Foça, an attempt was made to preserve and hide antiquity. So on the one hand, the old and cute buildings, on the other hand, the sea and the fishing boats or the people fishing - it was simply a very peaceful place.

    Then, as I approached the end of my volunteering, I did not want to leave without seeing another city, so I went on a tour of Cappadocia, famous for its Fairy Chimneys, which attracted my attention. Like the other two cities, Cappadocia was also very magnificent. There are fairy chimneys and caves in Cappadocia, so I felt like I had traveled back in time. But Turkey is a country that truly embraces all its values and tries to preserve the beauty created by nature, not destroying it in its natural state. On the day I went, it snowed in Cappadocia and I saw the first snow of this year in Turkey. I guess you can imagine how happy I am as someone who loves snowy weather.

  Apart from travel, another reason why this month went by so fast for me was the Youth Exchange program. Within the scope of this program, approximately 35 young people from different countries came to Turkey. It was fun helping them, answering their questions as best we could, and attending events with them. Apart from that, they spent their only free days with us and we took them to Anıtkabir and Ankara Castle, which are must-see places in Ankara. Then we took them to a good restaurant we know so that they could get to know Turkish cuisine. Then we took them to a cafe close to the castle, which we think is the best coffee shop in Ankara so that they can taste the original Turkish coffee. I had such a fun day with them.

    And so I came to the end of 2 months. For me, this volunteering has been an experience I will always
remember. I had one of the best experiences of my life so far and I will remember the memories I have saved here for the rest of my life. And I will always have a smile on my face when I remember :)

   Finally, I would like to say, Istanbul for traveling, Izmir for living, and Cappadocia for regaining the excitement you lost are the most magnificent places.

Take care of yourself! Goodbye!