Friday 7 April 2023

Volunteering with Children

Merhaba guys!

In this blog page I want to share with you my experience volunteering with children.

First of all, it is a rewarding experience that can be life-changing for you and for the children you work with. Personally, I have a special love for children and dealing with them. 

Even if you are not a professional social worker, you can give  children the love and attention they need. Most of these children have  suffered severe hardships in their lives whether they are refugee  children or children of earthquake victims, so simply taking time to  play with them or listen to their stories will make a real difference in  these children’s lives.

Especially, I felt joy when meeting children from Syria and Iraq , And when you  talk to Syrian and Iraqi children, you find that they have distinctive  characteristics of them, you find their attachment to the homeland, you find in  them maturity that you do not find in adults, and real values that you do not find  in others. 

You’ll have the opportunity to provide love, care and attention to children who  may not receive it elsewhere. You can help them gain the skills they need to lead  happy and successful lives. 

Volunteering with kids can also be a lot of fun, as you get to participate in  activities that are geared towards children and to tap into their natural energy  and enthusiasm. 

Kids come with lots of energy they enjoy physical activities like running  around; playing chase there’s no question that kids can be very creative  and imaginative in their play.

Children will be your most excellent teachers in learning about their culture and  customs. They will show you how things work, what they like doing, how they  play and what makes them happy or sad.

Takoi Gharsellaoui